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Protect your skin with

safe sunblock

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What is safe sunblock?

Protecting your skin from the harmful UV rays from the sun is important to reduce the risk of sunburn, skin damage and long-term health concerns like skin cancer. However, many sun care products contain ingredients that can harm human health and the environment.

The good news? You can protect your skin and the environment while reaping the benefits of responsible sun exposure. LUVE is a website that is dedicated to safe sunblocks!

There are two types of sun protection: chemical sunscreen and mineral (physical) sunblock. While the two serve the same purpose — to protect skin from skin cancer, sunburn and premature ageing — they have distinct characteristics.

Chemical sunscreens sink into your skin where they absorb the UV rays and convert them to heat before filtering them back out of the skin. In contrast, mineral sunblocks sit on the surface of your skin and create a barrier between your skin and the harmful UV rays. They work by blocking and scattering the UV rays, preventing them from being absorbed into your skin.

Chemical sunscreens are formulated with UV filters such as oxybenzone, avobenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene and homosalate. Studies show that many of these chemicals have negative impacts on human and environmental health.

Impact of Chemical Sunscreens on the Environment

The main ingredients in chemical sunscreens cause significant harm to marine ecosystems. Studies show oxybenzone contamination in ocean water is a threat to wildlife, coral reefs and seagrass habitats. These chemicals are also known to be present in various species of fish around the world, which researchers worry could affect the food chain.

Impact of Chemical Sunscreen on Human Health

Recent evidence shows some chemical sunscreen ingredients are absorbed into the bloodstream, sometimes surpassing safe levels. They have reported finding sunscreen ingredients in breast milk, urine and blood plasma samples. These chemicals are all systemically absorbed into the body after one use and they could be detected on the skin and in the blood weeks after they had last been used. Many studies have raised concerns about endocrine-disrupting effects of these chemicals.

Mineral sunblocks are formulated with zinc oxide and/or titanium oxide, both of which are considered safe and effective. In fact, these are the only active ingredients officially deemed safe and effective by the U.S. FDA (Food and Drugs Administration). Mineral sunblocks deliver broad-spectrum protection by reflecting the UV radiation away from your skin.

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